VICIDIAL Configuration Step by Step - Step 4 - Basic Campaign configuration for inbound and manual call
for the new users, it's better to create an inbound and manual campaign in order to get familiar with the terms and how VICIDIAL is working. Also, we have lots of options in the campaign that you don't need to know all of them to run a campaign and test the system. So we stick to some of them that I think it will be useful for you to know as you are starting working with campaigns
Select the campaign we have created in Step 3 :

in Basic Setting Set Dial Method as "INBOUND_MAN".
INBOUND_MAN allows the agent to place manual dial calls from a campaign list while being able to take inbound calls between manual dial calls.

Set Allow Inbound and Blended to Y
This is where you can set whether the users of this campaign will have the option to take inbound calls with this campaign. If you want to do blended inbound and outbound then this must be set to Y. If you only want to do outbound dialing on this campaign set this to N. Default is N.

You have to set Allow No-Hopper-Leads Logins Option to Y or otherwise, agents won't be able to login to the Agents panel in order to call.
If set to Y, allows agents to login to the campaign even if there are no leads loaded into the hopper for that campaign. This function is not needed in CLOSER-type campaigns.

I usually enable Lead Search option so that Agents will be able to search on the leads and see their info if they required.

And another optional setting that I like is Call Notes Per Call.
Setting this option to ENABLED will allow agents to enter in notes for every call they handle in the agent interface. The notes entry field will appear below the Comments field in the agent interface. Also, if the Agent User Group is allowed to view Call Logs then the agent will be able to view past call notes for a lead at any time.

Select the campaign we have created in Step 3 :

in Basic Setting Set Dial Method as "INBOUND_MAN".
INBOUND_MAN allows the agent to place manual dial calls from a campaign list while being able to take inbound calls between manual dial calls.

Set Allow Inbound and Blended to Y
This is where you can set whether the users of this campaign will have the option to take inbound calls with this campaign. If you want to do blended inbound and outbound then this must be set to Y. If you only want to do outbound dialing on this campaign set this to N. Default is N.

You have to set Allow No-Hopper-Leads Logins Option to Y or otherwise, agents won't be able to login to the Agents panel in order to call.
If set to Y, allows agents to login to the campaign even if there are no leads loaded into the hopper for that campaign. This function is not needed in CLOSER-type campaigns.

I usually enable Lead Search option so that Agents will be able to search on the leads and see their info if they required.

And another optional setting that I like is Call Notes Per Call.
Setting this option to ENABLED will allow agents to enter in notes for every call they handle in the agent interface. The notes entry field will appear below the Comments field in the agent interface. Also, if the Agent User Group is allowed to view Call Logs then the agent will be able to view past call notes for a lead at any time.

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